
Ambulocetus natans, the Eocene “walking whale” – who might not actually have been able to walk at all!

A study published in 2016 suggests this early cetacean was actually fully aquatic and unable to support its own weight on land. So here’s an updated version compared to the Ambulocetus I did a couple of years ago.


Globicetus hiberus, a 5m long (16′4″) beaked whale from the Atlantic coast of Portugal and Spain. Its fossils can’t be easily dated since they were fished up from the seafloor, but it was probably around Early-to-Mid Miocene in age (~20-14 mya).

Its skull sported an odd bony sphere at the base of its snout, just in front of the melon, which appears to have been larger and more prominent in males than in females. Many modern beaked whales also have sexually dimorphic crests, ridges, and domes in their skulls, and these structures may function as sort of “internal antlers” – a display structure the whales can “see” via echolocation that signals their size, strength, and health to each other.