Eons Roundup 15

It’s time for a little bit more recent PBS Eons work this week:

• The metatherian predator Arctodictis and the litoptern ungulate Thoatherium from “The Mystery of South America’s False Horses”

Eons Roundup 14

It’s been a while, but let’s catch up with some more work I’ve done for PBS Eons:

An illustration of both a fossil example and the reconstructed internal structure of the enigmatic Paleodictyon, a hexagonal network of tunnels in seafloor sediment created by an unknown organism.
Paleodictyon nodosum

The enigmatic Paleodictyon, from “Something Has Been Making This Mark For 500 Million Years”

The archaic ungulates Loxolophus, Arctocyon, and Eoconodon, from “How a Mass Extinction Changed Our Brains”

An illustration of Aturia, an extinct relative of modern nautiluses. It's reconstructed with an orange-brown shell patterned with zigzagging darker stripes.
Aturia sp.

And the nautilid Aturia, from “When Nautiloids Met Their Match”

Eons Roundup 13

I haven’t posted any PBS Eons commissions here for quite a while, so let’s catch up a bit of the backlog:

The Cretaceous mammals Repenomamus robustus and Repenomamus giganticus, from “When Mammals Only Went Out At Night”

A carcass of the whale Borealodon, from “How Ancient Whales May Have Changed the Deep Ocean”

And the early vertebrates Haikouichthys and Myllokunmingia, from “Why Sour May Be The Oldest Taste”

Eons Roundup 12 (& Published Art!)

It’s been a while since I last showed off some of these, but here’s some more commission work I’ve done for PBS Eons:

The metriorhynchid marine crocodilians Aggiosaurus and Cricosaurus, from “When Crocs Thrived in the Seas”

And… what’s this?

A familiar Scutellosaurus makes an appearance in a recently-published children’s dinosaur book!

Eons Roundup 11

It’s time for another batch of PBS Eons commission work!

The marine reptiles Atopodentatus and Henodus, from “The Triassic Reptile With ‘Two Faces'”

The marine turtles Archelon and Euclastes, from “The Return of Giant Skin-Shell Sea Turtles”

Eons Roundup 10

Time for some more PBS Eons commission work!

The radiodonts Lyrarapax and Tamisiocaris, from “How Plankton Created A Bizarre Giant of the Seas”

The rhynchocephalians Sphenotitan, Clevosaurus, and Kawasphenodon, from “When Lizards Took Over the World”

Eons Roundup 9

New year, new PBS Eons commission roundup day!

The ancient walruses Neotherium and Valenictus, from “How the Walrus Got Its Tusks”

The nodosaurid ankylosaur Borealopelta, in both alive and “bloat-and-float” carcass states, from “The Dinosaur Who Was Buried at Sea”

The ankylosaurid ankylosaurs Gobisaurus and Dyoplosaurus, from “How Ankylosaurs Got Their Clubs”

Eons Roundup 8

Once again it’s a PBS Eons commission roundup day!

An unnamed Cerro Ballena rorqual whale and the long-necked seal Acrophoca, from “How the Andes Mountains Might Have Killed a Bunch of Whales”

The poposauroid pseudosuchians Shuvosaurus (life restoration) and Effigia (skeletal) from “When Dinosaur Look-Alikes Ruled the Earth”

Eons Roundup 7

It’s another PBS Eons commission roundup day!

The metatherian mammals Pucadelphysand Khasia, and lineart of the sparassodont Paraborhyaena, from “How South America Made the Marsupials”

The dyrosaurid crocodyliform Acherontisuchus and the bothremydid turtle Puentemys, from “How a Hot Planet Created the World’s Biggest Snake”

The early penguin Waimanu and the giant penguin Anthropornis, from “When Penguins Went From The Sky To The Sea”

Eons Roundup 6

Time for some more recent commissions from PBS Eons!

The hyainailourids Megistotherium osteothastes and Hyainailouros napakensis, from “When Giant Hypercarnivores Prowled Africa

The bear-dogs Daphoenus demilo and Amphicyon giganteus, from “The Forgotten Story of the Beardogs

The early panda Ailuropoda microta, from “The Fuzzy Origins of the Giant Panda